Kyle Dobson, ARC Resources Ltd
Stephanie Forbes, The Forbes Group
Reem Tanta, Mount Royal University

Visit our interactive round tables to ask your questions and have constructive discussions about challenges and solutions.
Each round table has a different topic and attendees can select the round table that they would like to participate in. Round table leaders will spend the first 15 minutes meeting the delegates and providing a case study / lessons learned log / industry update and then moderate a 30-minute discussion with the group where they can give feedback and ask questions. The final 10 –15 minutes will be spent on agreeing on 3-5 industry recommendations regarding the topic. All the recommendations will be summarized in the post-event report.
•Technology Integration and Decarbonization: How to Make Decarbonization Part of Your Business Models Digital Roadmap Adam Weir, ATCO Gas
• Insights into Emerging Emissions Reduction Opportunities for the Upstream Oil and Gas Sector Kyle Dobson, ARC Resources Ltd
• Regulatory Developments and Compliance: Updates on methane regulations and regional implementation differences Stephanie Forbes, The Forbes Group
• International and Provincial Reporting Standards: Aligning international standards with Canadian and provincial reporting requirements Reem Tanta, Mount Royal University